Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome, 2009!

I am so glad to have a new year finally here. It feels cleansing just to have 2008 behind me; so many bad things happened. For me, the year 2008 is like a slimy, sticky substance that you can't get off your hand with one washing. I told my sister this morning that it was the worst year of my life. I told all of my family today that this was going to be a better year--gotta feel that way!

I started out with a nice walk with my great friend Catherine and my dog Molly. Catherine set a brisk pace, otherwise I would likely have lollygagged. Molly was up for any pace we wanted to set. Afterwards, we sat and drank coffee and gossiped and did not eat any junk food--what a great example.

I spoke with my family and wished them a good year; I am writing in this blog; I played my guitar and plan to spend time on the bass. I am working on my short story, "Living on the Left Bank." All in all, a great start to the year.

Yes, audacity, reinvention, and self-image!

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