Jim Bertolin invited Dave, Terry, and I to play in his latest bluegrass tribute show at the Bertolin Barn, Just as we had done previously, we represented the Stanley Brothers. I love doing these type of shows.
I especially liked working up some new songs, based upon Stanley Brothers material. We did some really old songs and tunes that we don't normally do in our Steel Pennies band.

The first band up was Flatt and Scruggs. Jim's band did this act and did a nice job.

Dave and I had an additional assignment that involved the first band. We played some characters out of the old Flatt & Scruggs video; Dave was T. Tommy and I was one of the Martha White ladies. Jim told me that I would be handling the biscuits. The Flatt & Scruggs band (played by Jim's band, The Stanleytones) worked up the little theme song and Dave went out and advertised the Martha White products like the real T. Tommy used to do. We made up some biscuits in advance, including one trick biscuit that had a rock in it (sealed in oatmeal) and I threw it on the stage and said that it didn't turn out very good. It was silly but fun.

After that we got to the real fun stuff, playing our Stanley Brothers songs for the show.

Dave and Jim served as announcers at different times in the show.

Our friends, Sebie and Tracy Denson portrayed Jimmy Martin and his band. They were also a repeat in this role and did a fabulous job.

Dave and I watched the on-stage antics from the vantage of the balcony off the green room.

The show ended with a big finale.