When Dave and I lived in Germany, we took advantage of our military discounts at the various 'liquor' stores and bought two bottles of Dom Perignon. One of them we drank after our wedding. We brought the other back with us to the U.S., and it has been sitting in our basements ever since.
A couple of weeks ago, Dave was going through some wine on the wine rack and he decided we had better drink the bottle of Dom, and that there was a good chance it might have already gone bad. I brought it up and put it in the refrigerator, and we decided that we would drink it over the 4th of July weekend.
So, last Saturday night Dave went to the store and bought the fixings for a surprise dinner--even he didn't know what we were having until he got to the store! He came home and started whipping stuff up: boneless pork steaks, fruit slaw, bread and cheese, grilled veggies. For dessert, he had a little cheesecake with some fresh berries to go on top.
When it was time to eat, he opened the bottle of champagne and we held our breath. The date when it was bottled was 1983; we bought it in 1990 or 1991. Everyone we mentioned this to, said it would be vinegar. Well, they were all wrong. It was absolutely wonderful. Who would have thought.