Saturday, April 23, 2011

Just What I hoped For

Last spring, I noticed a distinctive shrub blooming in a lot of landscapes. I went to a nursery and bought one: a purple leaf sand cherry. The nursery staff told me that they are used a lot around here because they are hardy and can stand up to our hostile climate. I planted, watered a lot and wished for the best, because with our trees and awful soil, you never know.

I took this picture last week. It is beautifully in bloom.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Warning: Dead Squirrel Picture

This morning, I finally felt a little vindication after years of having squirrels raid my bird feeders. Sure enough, I filled the feeder yesterday and this morning there was a fat squirrel sitting in it, pigging out. When Dave noticed him out there, he went and got the pellet gun and shot him. I didn't feel a bit sorry for that squirrel; over the years they have eaten our grapes, the vegetables in my gardens, and once we found that they took one bite out of each of the pears on our two pear trees. I could not resist getting this picture of the dead critter, although I would be afraid to post it on Facebook. There might be too strong a reaction from the animal-lovers in my friends list.

Steel Pennies Road Trip

Jerry, Dave and I trekked to Westcliffe last weekend for a fun Steel Pennies getaway. We stayed at Terry and Peg's house, with their lavish hospitality. On Friday night, we played a fundraiser at the Wet Mountain Saddle Club. There was a small turnout, but it was a lot of fun and a great way to shake off the cobwebs as we haven't played together much since Mid-Winter due to Terry going back to work on a short contract job.

Saturday was a music-filled day. We practiced for the gig that night, and Dave and Jerry debated over the set list.

We ate lots of good food, prepared by Peg, our wonderful hostess.

Our gig on Saturday night at the Canon Rose in Canon City was fabulous! We played to a full house--a very appreciative audience--and just had a great time. Overall, it was a great trip and we headed home on Sunday after a successful, music-filled weekend.

An Empty Pot

I took three of my orchids to the local orchid shop to have them repotted. I have some beautiful Guy Wolf orchid pots that I was looking forward to finally using. When I first bought the orchids last fall, the shop staff told me to bring them in after they finished flowering and they would repot them. My friend, Sharon, owner of nearly 100 orchids (compared to my 4),had warned me to be careful about trying to repot them myself.

When I arrived at the shop, the fellow working there eyed them askance, and then after looking them over, recommended that I not do anything differently with them and especially not repot them. When I confessed that I have never given them any fertilizer, he wasn't even keen for me to do that. Orchids evidently are not big on change. So, I took them back home and they sit in their shabby containers, with their roots tangled about in the air, while my stylish pots are stowed away in the garage.

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Beautiful Harbinger of Spring

The last week of March, our pretty Star Magnolia began to bloom, like it does at this time every year. It hung tough through two snows so far, and has more blooms than ever. Like the other hardy Magnolias that will grow here in Colorado, the flowers come out long before the leaves. In fact the buds are set in the fall.

We planted it early on when we moved into this house fifteen years ago. I love it.