I came upon this picture when I was putting together a small digital picture frame for my desk. This is 'Fat Boy.' He was the apple of my eye. I lost him nearly five years ago to kidney failure. We had him only 8 or 9 years.
He came to us from the Humane Society and was brought there as a stray. At the pound, they called him Oliver, but we promptly renamed him Fat Boy. After I brought him home, he wouldn't come out of the basement for six weeks. Sometimes he would sit down there and caterwaul until I went down and got him and put him on the couch with me. Even after he mustered the courage to come upstairs on his own, he was still shy and retiring--always ready to beat a hasty retreat.
David was always concerned when our vet would send out the notification to come and get Fat Boy's annual shots. The postcard was typically addressed to 'Fat Boy Patton.' Dave was afraid that the mailman might think that card was meant for him (Dave).
One of Fat Boy's favorite things was to sit beside me on the couch when I was watching television and he would put a paw on my leg as we sat there together. It was darling. When Lucille came to live with us, she didn't care for him, but he admired her greatly. He was just a sweetie-pie. I still miss him.