We had a shindig on Labor Day. We prayed for good weather and our prayers were answered. Dave set up lights and a big plywood table on the patio that we covered with a sheet and a red checked cloth; our guests then covered it with food that they brought. We set the easy-up out by the shed for the pickers. Then we put smaller tables around for folks to eat off of. I put tablecloths and vases with sunflowers from the garden on each one. It was fun--I pretended to be Martha Stewart!
We had a great turnout. Dave declared that it was our best party ever!

Here are our friends, Judy, Brian, Catherine, and Ian. It was Ian's birthday and we had a cake for him.

Some of our pickin' friends: Uncle Spook (in the beard), Woody, and Dan and Gail.

Another view of the fab foursome!

Here we have Dr. Barry, who is trying to cure Dave's elbow problem when he isn't playing the mandolin.

Gerhard and Gail--both Dave and I have worked with Gerhard at past jobs.

There's Eric. He came to the party twice that night--snuck in and out when we weren't looking.

Jim and Pat wowed everyone when the pickin' got going.

There was a big mob on the patio, due to all the great food that everyone brought.

A good time was had by all!